We've all heard it, and outside of the 'same ole, same ole,' the intended principles of this age-old advice stand true in the past, today and well into the future.
As illustrated in this TED Talks playlist, practice is the act of deliberate focus and action centered on improvement.
Here are a few ways we keep our skills sharp:
Build additional mocks when forming new ideas or campaigns, exercising an alternate approach. While these often go unused, they test our theories and explore a range of possibilities.
Create internal challenges during free times – working on areas that will fill the next anticipated need. We've built an entire iOS application during one of these exercises.
Revisit the drawing board with the goal of cementing the current path. Sometimes the quickest way to knowing for sure is to tackle it again or to take another pass.
Read up on industry tips and tricks to expand your arsenal. Being up to date with current developments enable extra efforts to shine when approaching a new project.
Attend industry-related conferences, have offsite meetings in new spaces, and, in some cases, even let the mind rest. We find the best practice can sometimes come through the exercise of letting go, allowing for a new approach, and then starting again with a fresh mindset.
If perfection exists in the world of creativity, it is either achieved through luck or a ton of practice (as practice makes perfect). While we love getting lucky, most of our down time is centered around honing our abilities and preparing to deliver masterful creative skills for our next professional assignment.
Aedieno is a boutique creative agency. Leverage practice principles to create purposeful concepts, and contact us today.