Your online presence can be powerful, and it begins with your website. A combination of smart organization, sound architecture, and good design contributes to any site's success. Once your digital environment is established, what are you doing to make sure it's always current?
Redesigning or developing a website can be time and budget prohibitive. Instead, practicing smart ways to refine your site's elements will keep it looking current and enhance user experience.
Consider these enhancements to keep your site current, lower bounce rates, and increase engagement:
Switch Up CTAs
Strong, visible, and unique calls to action equal better conversions. Make your CTAs descriptive and specific to the content and regularly update to keep your messaging fresh. Stay within your brand voice, and experiment with clever sayings to grab a visitor's attention.
Update Images
Pictures and graphics have the power to speak on your behalf. They support your ideas and help communicate your mission. Consider swapping out your website's imagery regularly for an on-going and updated look and feel.
Refresh Headlines
What headlines say are important, and they are the first thing a visitor reads when they arrive on your homepage. While the overall messaging of your site might be established, updating your main ideas are refreshing. Set the stage to revisit your headlines consistently to offer the most impact.
Review Messaging
When was the last time you read through all of the content on your website? It should always be accurate to your business, up to date with your objectives, and support any initiatives you may have in the pipeline. Keeping your point concise, sentence structure active, and wording in perfect grammar will ensure a polished result every time.
Incorporate Social Feeds
A social feed is everchanging, creating a consistent flow of new visual content. Bring a glimpse of your social media presence directly into your website to offer constant, original content that includes text and imagery automatically.
Add a Blog
Keeping an active blog or news section on your site allows for another way to add new content continually. It speaks with meaning, proposes resources to your audience, and reflects your organization's forward-thinking within your industry and offerings.
Feature a New Offering
Have a new product or service on the table? Make sure your site reflects any changes in your business offerings and highlight this information.
Optimize Page Speed
There are methods to evaluate and improve every website's speed and efficiency. Run a web audit or page speed insight analysis to get a breakdown of what improvements will make your environment even better. Here's a free tool from our sister company.
In most instances, just completing one of these site enhancements will move the needle of your online success. We recommend adding an on-going review or refresh to your marketing communication calendar and defining timelines to ensure they happen consistently and with purpose.
If website updates are daunting or just don't fit in the wheelhouse of your current internal resources, consider reaching out to a freelance graphic designer or local agency for assistance. Investing time or budget dollars to address this valuable effort will positively impact your traffic and drive success.
Aedieno is a boutique creative agency. For thoughtful web development, design, or consulting, please contact us.