Infographics are used to make complex information more digestible. They take data-driven facts or numbers and transform them into splashes of bold color, clean type, and memorable graphic elements.
The goal? Create a lasting impression for viewers.
A visual approach enables information to be retained in contrast to lengthy lists and stats. Animation takes the viewing experience a step further, captivating the audience through motion, energy, and storytelling – making digestion fast and easy.
Here are a few benefits that shed light on the impact of bringing your static content to life:
The human eye responds to motion. Incorporating movement in a world full of stand-still images increases the likelihood of grabbing audience attention right off the bat.
Keeping Things Clear and Concise
Long, scrolling infographics packed with information can be streamlined through smart organization and hierarchy, highlighting essential data points frame by frame.
Increasing Retention
By focusing on one segment at a time, animated infographics allow you to focus on information across a timeline. This allows the overall message to be retained by the viewer much easier.
Getting More Out of Your Budget
Branded animation templates allow for cost effective replacement of graphics, simplified data updates, and easy reuse. This approach forgoes expensive videography costs, allowing more content uses to be created for less.
Shares, Shares, and More Shares
According to Social Today, motion graphics are proven to be most engaging compared to other forms of social content (like text and images only). If folks are engaged, they will share it with others, in turn, creating more brand recognition for you!
While creating animated graphics can be overwhelming sometimes, there are marketing hacks to delivering motion in a snap. A smart 4 frame animated gif can move the eyes and deliver your message with very little time invested for you, or the intended audience.
Consider creating an unforgettable impact for your digital audience. With audiences and trends constantly evolving, making complex information more digestible will forever be a constant.
Aedieno is a boutique creative agency. To get your audiences’ eyeballs moving with branded motion graphics, please contact us.