What do "three day weekends" and "creative projects" have in common? 16 characters; count 'em :) There is also a correlation to how excellent the creative process works after rest.
Don't take our word for it, consider Geoffrey James neuroscience piece on INC. Geoffrey writes "Scientists studying brain scans recently discovered that moments of creativity take place when the mind is at rest rather than working on something."
That's it! We will be out with the kids, skateboarding, taking long naps, and laughing with friends. And Tuesday, we will be ready to knock the creative socks off your next project.
Any particular accommodations needed are welcome, please email us here, for immediate (and excellent) service.
No restful plans for Labor day? Here are a range of local community suggestions to get those mental juices flowing.
Aedieno is a boutique creative agency focused on resting our brains, then delivering excellent service. For professional service consideration, please contact us.