Creativity is in high demand, and the ability to think around corners is a desirable skill across all professional fields. While inspiration and ideas can strike at any moment, several practices can increase creative performance, dynamic thinking, and innovative problem-solving.
Here are five proven practices we love to help boost creative performance:
Get Moving
According to Stanford University Researchers, creative output increases by about 60 percent when you take a break and move around. Try going for a stroll during break, lunch, or the ideation phase of the creative process. Allow your brain to clear and your environment to inspire new thoughts, ideas, and solutions.
Learn Something New
Even though learning a new skill or program can be daunting at first, it is well worth the effort and reward. Not only does the process of learning stretch your brain, adding additional skills to your repertoire benefits you, your fellow team members, and your clients.
Invest in Others
Gallup says strong friendships at work are seven times more likely to make you fully engaged. So take the time to get to know your team by fostering intentional conversations, eating lunch together, or planning an after-work activity. While chatting business might be your common denominator, consider exploring different conversations and asking about their goals and pursuits in their personal lives.
Take a Break
Small breaks, known as “microbreaks,” improve concentration, energy levels, and productivity (Forbes). Additionally, studies have shown that closing your eyes during creative thinking increases your capacity for unrestricted and flexible ideas by 1.6 times (Palgrave Communications). Take a brain break to rest and reset your thoughts before moving on to the next project.
Get Inspired, Elsewhere
The world of creativity is vast and stepping outside of your specialty to search for inspiration invites new ideas into the creative process. Try perusing the worlds of different industries to spark new perspectives (conceptual or visual) for your own work.
Even though we can attest to the effectiveness of these practices, we encourage you to see what works best for you – gauging how thought processes, idea gathering, and problem-solving improve with each effort. The next creative solution may be around the corner.
For more ideas on how we like to keep our creative skills sharp, read up on these 'ole practice principles here.
Aedieno is a boutique creative agency. To take your ideas to the next level or connect for creative consultation, please contact us.